Celebrating Marriage Milestones

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Neither my husband nor I are sentimental about dates and anniversaries, BUT…

It’s our 10th wedding anniversary today, 30th October. So, I think it does deserve a bit of a shout out.

We have been together 16 years (Yass!!). Michael, my face still lights up when I see you, my eyes shine and heart quickens.

I choose to reflect on this time. We celebrate and give thanks for all the wonder, the tough times, the fun times and the sad times.

We challenge each other and call each other out to be better, kinder and stronger. We complement each other.

“The purpose of marriage is not for you or your partner to be happy as most unwisely imagine. The purpose of marriage is for two partners to equally support and challenge each other in order to own each other’s disowned parts and to make each other true and authentic as they grow in the awareness of true love with wisdom.” Dr John Demartini

We have our own interests, hobbies and activities but we both hold real value for the most important things in our lives:

¤ Family
¤ Friends
¤ Travel
¤ Holidays
¤ Being Active
¤ Our Home
¤ Adventures
¤ The Outdoors

And a few words for my super awesome husband Michael-
Thank you for your love, your support, your smarts and I am SO grateful to have you in my life.

Thank you for being the BEST father to Sydney and Matthew.

“Find someone who embraces your value.
Who doesn’t ask you to change,
be different or another human being.
You are the only version of you.
You are one of a kind, and there
is no one else with your combination
of cells and heartbeats.
You are perfect.
You are art.
And you are love.”

Read- An Open Letter to My Husband


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