An Open Letter to My Teenage Step- Daughter

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Some of my life’s learnings and some words that I wish I had heard when I was your age. There is more so look out for part 2…

Question everything. Do not accept as absolute truth what society tells you.

In difficult times remember that life is not bad, there are just some bad moments. Pain is part of life. In a troubled situation, it may feel like the world is falling apart, that there is no hope but that moment will pass. Tough times and dealing with emotions add layers onto your backbone and teaches you to manage emotions. Challenges facilitate the birth of opportunity and innovation.

The future is yours. Make the most of it. Make it incredible!

Read and never stop reading and learning. Reading expands our mind, brings certainty and wisdom, fuels the imagination and widens our world. Devour good fiction novels, read up on business books and explore autobiographies. The mental activity of reading sharpens your mind and also improves your memory. It also keeps you busy on those flights to us and back and those long car trips to Mozambique.

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Use your amazing brain; study hard at school, even though you might think some of the subjects will not help you at all in life. Fill your mind with information and knowledge. Then after school go on and study something you love, something that makes your heart race and that you feel inspired to learn more about. Find out what will fulfils you, what is meaningful to you, what lights your fire and pursue that.

Whatever you do, do it well. Do your very best.

Make meaningful connections– don’t just be friends with people your own age. Connect with the young and the older. Meet others who share your interests. Build a network of amazing people. Who you know is important in life and more so as you get older.

Spend some time with your Dad. He loves you dearly and would move the world for you if he had to. Sit with him and watch a soccer match or have a chat about his work and what he does. Let him share with you a bit about his childhood and his family in the UK.

Girl on swing at sunset

Your parents love is like no other love in the world. They yearn deeply for your happiness and success and want to protect you forever. They know however that this is impossible, but what they can do is ensure you have a good head on your shoulders, expose you to travel and cool experiences, make sure you know yourself and then send you out into the world. You will make mistakes but you will have the strength to survive them. Know that!

You were born magnificent and you still are.

I have known you most of your life and even though we do not see you all the time know that I do love you and I will ALWAYS be there for you. I am there to offer a warm guiding hand if you need it, I am there behind you supporting you as you face lives challenges and I am there cheering you on as you celebrate lives rewards.

teenage girl supershazzer

Keep moving, always. Move your body, dance, run, swim and walk. Exercise is really, truly good for you, it gives you energy, increases strength and tones your body. (We know we all want that, right!) Respect your body and feed it well. Listen to what it needs and be mindful of what you put into your body.

In relationships with guys retain the balance. Don’t put them on a pedestal and don’t let them hold you back from doing what you want. Find someone who brings out the best in you and will allow you to shine. You will have heartaches in your life but these are what makes us stronger and experiencing those moments may seem like the end of the world at the time you will come out of it stronger- trust me on this!

teenage relationship supershazzer

Be yourself and be proud of it.

Treat others as you would have them treat you. Life and social circles can be complex but don’t stoop down to bullying and teasing or allow it to be a part of your life. Speak up if you see this or experience it yourself. Do not be afraid to stand up against what you feel is wrong or to walk away from a ‘friend’ who brings you and others down.

In the words of my teacher and mentor Dr Demartini- A happy, easy, peaceful safe and agreeable life is a fantasy and not the reality of life.  Life is a balance and that every challenging situation serves a purpose in your development.

The world is a better place for having you in it.

Read 14 Life lessons for my Son



  • Diandra


    This is beautiful! Being a step daughter myself, I would have loved to receive this letter, she is one lucky girl!

    • Super Shazzer

      Hi Diandra, wow, thanks for the comment and for your kind words.

  • sam


    This post is definitely going to be saved in my references. ima need it in few years! very emotional and heart touching , love –> Whatever you do, do it well. Do your very best.

  • shahin


    awesome…its a straight guidline to walk through the zigzag path of life…best wishes to all daughters.

  • Dusica


    Very emotional…thanks for sharing!

    • Super Shazzer

      Thanks so much for the comment. Much appreciated.

  • Akosua Evelyn's Blog


    wow,this is very deep.Your step daughter is so fortunate to have you as her mum.

  • Tinkara


    Beautifully written! Your daughter should be really grateful to have you as a mother – if I were she, I would be. Thanka for sharing! ☺

  • Alison


    Beautiful letter Sharon, I would b honored to have my kids step mom write a letter like that to them

    • Super Shazzer

      Hi Alison, thanks so much the comment and the kind words x

  • Shelley


    This is a fantastic letter. Your step-daughter is a very fortunate young lady for having you in her life. I wish there were more of you around.


    • Super Shazzer

      Hi Shelley, thanks so much for the comment and the kind words.

  • Melissa Javan


    Meaningful advice!

    • Super Shazzer

      Thanks so much for the kind words and the comment

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