Living Waters

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As soon as we had unpacked at our self catering Villa at a very small town in Alicante, Spain, I put on my cozzie, as we say here in South Africa (costume, bathing costume for others), grab a towel and head out the door in search for a swimming spot. The warm, blue Mediterranean Sea beckons.

We find the local grey sandy beach with some pebbles and a border of dried up smelly seaweed. Ok, we’re here so let’s get in. The tide is low and it takes a few minutes to walk out to waist high water. I swim and paddle and enjoy but it doesn’t make my heart sing.

On the walk back up the road to our villa I spot a rocky path in between two buildings heading down to the rocks and the sea. I tell my family I am just going to explore down there and I’ll see them later.

I meander down stepping carefully over the stones and uneven path in my slip slops (flip flops or sandals for non South Africans), turn the corner and then I see it.

My swimming spot!

Secluded, crystal clear water, with a cliff face on one side and the depths of the sea on the other, and importantly safe and protected from the tides.

I slip in off the rocks, all on my own and can’t keep from smiling. This is a happy place for me. Immersed in water that is alive and moving. Fish are abundant and the coral and kelp are alive and call me to explore further.

I feel awake and energized and I allow the rolling waves and salty water to hold and support me.

“I find comfort in the rhythm of the sea.”

Being engaged in this world and feeling the energy of this dynamic, ever changing environment.

Being part of the shifting cycles of life and tuning in to our oneness with nature.

These are the moments that balance out this beautiful but challenging life.

Every day for a week, morning and evening and sometimes lunchtime we slipped into the warm water and became one with the sea.

A cormorant keeping a beady eye on us as we swam

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