Staying on Banting and LCHF When Travelling

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Whether it’s a weekend away or 3 weeks overseas like we have just done it is important to be prepared on your travels.

You do want to fall of the “Banting Wagon” and go back to your unhealthy ways. You probably will not lose weight on holiday or while travelling, but you just want to make sure that you maintain your weight.

If you are prepared and carry low carb food and snacks with, you will not be tempted. I took the following with me on my recent travels; seed crackers, grain free granola and seed bars, nuts and seeds, small packets of nut butters, small cheese and tuna in packets.

When I ran out of these the next healthy option is Rye and any grain that is not wheat or rice. This is not ideal but look out for dense 100% rye crackers and breads.

Most towns or cities we travelled to had health shops and I found that most of the supermarkets carry a wide range of healthy food and snacks.

If you are staying in a hotel, self-catering or even with friends there are always healthy ‘real food’ options. You can have the following;

» Breakfasts- a full cooked breakfast with eggs done any way, bacon, tomato, mushrooms and cheese. Continental breakfasts are also great with cheeses and cold meats. Seeds or grain free granola on plain yoghurt and berries. Have peanut butter if there are no other nut butters. If there are no other options have some oat porridge as this is better that most cereals.

» Lunch- the last nights meal is always good, crustless quiches are always a winner as are boiled eggs, cheeses, olives, cold meats and salads.

» Dinner- load up on non-starchy vegetables and proteins. Order sweet potato if they have and of course our great friend the cauliflower. Salads are always good; my favourite is the chicken Caesar salad. Bunless burgers with salad on the side and meat, chicken or fish with veggies or salad.

» Drinks- coffee and tea of course, water, still or sparkling, spirits (vodka, rum, gin, tequila, whiskey) are generally carb-free, and dry wines and bubbly in moderation. No mixers or fruit juice.

» Snacks- nuts, olives, fruits, crudité with cream cheese dip. Nuts of course, seeds from pumpkin to sunflower seeds are readily available.

Dark chocolate- 75% or more, all stores carry a range.

Butter and all the healthy oils are normally very available.

And of course, don’t forget to have a great time on holiday!

What are some of your ideas? Have you managed to stay on Banting whilst travelling?

Disclaimer: All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only.


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