Nutrition Network {Education and Learning}

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“One should eat to live; not live to eat.” – Socrates

I have been on a health mission for years now and on my own wellness and weight loss journey. I love studying, reading and learning about the latest news, views and science with regards to health and nutrition. This search and of course my love for all things low carb led me to discovering the awesome platform that is the Nutrition Network.

What is Nutrition Network?

The Nutrition Network is an education, connection and learning platform founded by The Noakes Foundation in partnership with an esteemed team of doctors and scientists. The platform has been designed exclusively for healthcare practitioners across all disciplines, covering the latest and most up-to-date science and research in the field of Low Carb Nutrition.

They also do amazing work through their cause Eat Better South Africa! (EBSA) is the community outreach branch of The Noakes Foundation, and is an intervention programme aimed at educating people from lower income areas, teaching them to get better by eating better.

I am super excited to be one of the practitioners featured on their site along with esteemed Doctors, Dietitians, Nutritionists and other coaches.


MY BIO on this platform : Sharon Atkins is Health Coach certified with Impact Coaching (University of Free State) and a Low Carb and Keto Coach qualified with Real Meal Revolution and Nutrition Network.

Sharon is inspired to work with you on achieving sustainable weight loss and reaching your health goals; holding accountability, nutrition choices, managing macros, meal plans, creating habits for success, managing roadblocks and empowering you to live an inspired life.

Her story – “The clean eating, low carb way is my life and I want to share this amazing lifestyle with as many people as I can!” – Sharon Atkins

Sharon jumped on the low carb lifestyle 5 years ago, lost 15kgs and has maintained that weight and the lifestyle ever since.

It has also given her energy and the drive to start running road races and trails, swimming in open water events, hiking in the mountains, and finding the balance in the discipline of a challenging yoga practise.

A 20 year journey of studying and learning personal mastery and human behaviour enables Sharon to coach on a growth mindset, limiting beliefs and managing emotions and triggers.

Sharon also gives talks and workshops and writes on wellness and mindset and is a Mom to two busy teenagers. She is based in Cape Town but works with clients locally and internationally.

Website link Nutrition Network

Read more on Sharon’s coaching.


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