The Month That Was May 2020

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“If you keep hope alive, it will keep you alive.”

Read my previous post The Month That Was April 2020.

This is to capture these moments in time that I can look back on and remember what was.

Chatting to my sister on WhatsApp in the week I mentioned to her “I only wear make-up on Tuesday!” and that is what she said I should call this blog he he.

Why I only put proper make up and my hair is washed and styled is because I give a weekly Zoom Coaching workshop to our all clients as part of the coaching team at the Real Meal Revolution. (I do dress decently and appropriately on other days in all my interactions as well, just take extra care on Tuesdays)


So a win is my ongoing coaching work and teaching. I am loving working with my clients and I often learn and grow as much as they do.

Daily check ins and chats with colleagues.

My husband Michael who is so dedicated to his work and family. He gets up every morning, showered and dressed, without ever any complaints and just gets stuck in. There would probably be days I would lay in bed a bit longer but seeing him drives me to start my day early and with gratitude. He is also a hard task master in keeping the home clean and orderly. (Yes sir)

Weekly chats, messages and video calls with family and friends.

Continued online HIIT training, yoga, exercise and walks.

Discovery 5kms challenge x 4 done!

Our home with light sunny open sits to sit, work, read, relax and enjoy endless cups of tea.

Proper coffee at home and also the opening of coffee shops for takeout. Thanks Seattle, I missed you.

Our cats, still keeping us entertained.

Still quiet roads and less traffic that brings clean air and calmness.

The seasons changing before our eyes from autumn to winter but still blessed with beautiful wind free sunny days.

Continued excellent online learning for my son from his school.

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu


Still, the economy and the state of business, work and unemployment

People’s physical and mental health

People struggling to survive with no food and finances

The future and what it might bring

Seemingly endless cleaning, tidying and washing

Missing travel overseas for a holiday and to see family


New coaching platforms with Amanda Strydom and her project Crisis To Courage Coaching.

New technology learnings – Streamyard, We Transfer, Asana, Vimeo, Google Keep Notes, Microsoft Teams, Learndash and Updates on Zoom and WordPress of course.

Studies in health, nutrition and mindset, including this one from Nutrition Network.

And this poem….

When This is Over

When this is over,
may we never again take for granted:
A handshake with a stranger,
full shelves at the store,
conversations with neighbors,
a crowded theatre…
Friday night out,
the taste of communion,
a routine checkup,
the school rush each morning…
Coffee with a friend,
the stadium roaring,
each deep breath…
A boring Tuesday,
Life itself.
When this ends,
may we find that we have become
more like the people we wanted to be…
we were called to be….
we hoped to be
and may we stay that way…
better for each other
because of the worst.

~ Laura Kelly Fanucci ~

Blessings, love and light to you 💚


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