This is partly for all my awesome coaching clients to learn a bit more about me and partly for a check in with myself on where I am right now and where I have come from.
I was always the tall skinny kid. Naturally active but not involved in competitive sports or extreme activities. No issues with food and no eating concerns.
Until my late twenties, when work and relationship stresses started taking its toll and emotional eating stepped in. Probably hormones as well in hindsight.
I piled on the kgs and felt and looked fat and flabby. I am tall so I got away with a lot but still didn’t feel great and my clothing sizes kept increasing. Those shapeless dresses and baggier tops to cover up and hide the bulges. (You know what I mean!)
I was only ever about 12 kgs over my optimal weight so didn’t feel like it was too serious. Then, I was fortunate to change the unfulfilling job and boyfriend and the weight dropped again, without too much effort.
Though I was never completely secure in my body from this stage onwards and was aware of the fragile balance of emotions, wellbeing, comfort and eating.
I met my husband, had a baby and was super healthy through that process. Then the comfort and security of motherhood and family crept in as well as the kgs again.
It was that way for 5 years – always 10- 12 kgs overweight. Trying to shift it with numerous diets and detoxes but nothing that ever lasted and was sustainable. (The struggle was real!)
Then the whole awesome ‘Banting’ Revolution started 6 years ago. I became a convert, lost the weight and found it so easy and a natural fit for my body and lifestyle.
I have been consistent with my weight these last 5 years and kept off the 12kgs through maintaining low carb and banting as well as incorporating regular activities in every single week. I am a fan of walking, swimming and yoga and have recently discover “low heart rate running”.
I have more energy, feel and look better and just this year (2019) have completed 10 trail runs and over 15 road races (10kms) and countless hikes and other adventures.
My mind is clearer and focused, my lower back is free from pain and my emotions are more stable.
It is not always easy, smooth flowing or a breeze. There are challenges EVERY day. Food options, celebrations, functions, emotions, tough times, stress, work, finances, family and just life in general.
“When you overcome one obstacle, another one waits in the shadows. Life is a process of overcoming obstacles, one after the other. The obstacle becomes the way so you might as well enjoy it.”
But then my focus goes to my bigger plan for myself in the Physical area of my life, which I always keep with me.
“To be at and maintain my goal weight and be strong, supple and flexible for the rest of my days. To be an inspiring role model that walks lightly, upright and with intention and purpose.”
Added on to this, I also have close on hand, what I need to Do in order to Be and Have this. (The action steps and daily priorities.) This combined with the reminder of who I am inspiring; my kids and family, friends, clients and followers, pulls me back and keeps me on track. No matter how far I have veered off that track.
Just a reminder, there are temptations, often and I do veer off, and stumble off those stepping stones. Mine is often in the way of biscuits (throwback to treats as a school kid with my mom) or pastries. I always loved this graph showing the way to success. There is no easy road.

Thanks so much for reading this.
I combine my professional work experiences, my own weightloss journey and overcoming health challenges, a strong mindset that got me to the summit of Kilimanjaro and through swimming many open water events with my over 25 years of studying personal mastery and a certification in Health Coaching and Banting and Keto coaching.
I coach private clients through my transformational 12-week signature program, group coaching and Rhythm support coaching with The Real Meal Revolution.