The Wellness Series- Meet Helen Hansen, Kinesiologist

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I am inspired by all those people doing great work out there in the fields of health and wellness. We highlight these skilled wellness professionals in this series on the Super Shazzer Blog.

“The key to wellness is to accept personal responsibility for your health and well-being.”

Wellness Series

Next up for our Q & A with a wellness professional is Helen Hansen, Kinesiologist.

Q. Firstly, welcome and please share with us exactly what it is that you do?

I am a kinesiologist. This means that I muscle test clients to find out where blockages are in their body/ emotional/ mental areas. I also muscle test to find out what specific process/ technique/ exercise will assist this person to release the blockage.

Q. Tell us about your training and how you got to be a kinesiologist?

I’ve been working with mind-body techniques for just more than twenty years. I was introduced to kinesiology a few years back by a chiropractor. (Kinesiology was developed by a chiropractor Dr George Goodheart). On reading up about kinesiology and experiencing it first-hand I noticed that I was incorporating many of the techniques in my own practice. I was intrigued to learn more and to refine the expertise of muscle testing. I studied through the Johannesburg College of Kinesiology.

Q. How does kinesiology help people? How would they benefit by doing it and working with you?

Kinesiology brings balance to the mind, body and emotions thus the benefits are far reaching. One of the most popular reasons clients come to see me is to find out exactly what nutrients and supplements are good for them right now. We are bombarded with info daily about what to buy because it will increase this or improve that.

The fact of the matter is that everyone’s body is unique and thus what you need will be different, even if only slightly, to what another person needs.  With the intelligence of your biocomputer (the mind-body connection) the kinesiologist can determine the accurate diet for you to lose weight, improve your system, balance emotions and so much more. This information empowers you to purchase with the skill. 

Q. What is one helpful tip you can give to our wonderful readers on how to live a more purposeful, inspired and fulfilled life?

Stress is a toxin that can rob us of living up to our full potential. Take time every day to do something calming and rejuvenating for you. An effective technique is to lightly place your hand on your forehead. This brings balance to the left and right brain hemispheres. Holding your forehead will calm your mind, your nervous system and assist you to gain composure and clarity. It’s a first-aid tool you can use for shock of any kind, it’s useful when stuck in a traffic jam and it is a point I often hold before I’m about to go into a serious meeting/ interview/ exam.

Q. Is there anything else you would like to share?

 I use a powerful healing device in all of my treatments: the BioMat.  The kids call it the magic carpet.

It’s filled with thousands of amethyst crystals and rays of far infra-red along with negative ions flow throughout the body as you lie on the bed of crystals.  It can be set on various degrees of warmth, so it is a soothing feeling.  The BioMat assists one to relax, de- stress and is a great muscle and joint pain reliever.  Stand-alone BioMat sessions are available.

Q. How can people reach you?

Helen Hansen Website

Helen Hansen Facebook

Helen Hansen Twitter

Helen Hansen YouTube

Helen Hansen LinkedIn

E-mail- [email protected]

Helen, thanks so much for participating and sharing with us.

More Wellness Series Features;

The Flow Experience
Health Coach

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