The Benefits of Banting and the Low Carb Lifestyle

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Banting made simple in 50 words

Eat vegetables, meat, nuts, seeds, little fruit and minimal starch. Eat real fats. Avoid sugar, grains, seed oils and processed food. Taste new dishes. Protect your gut. Eat when hungry. Drink when thirsty. Fast occasionally. Sleep well. Exercise. Relax. Socialise. Listen to your body. Escape routine. Seek adventure. Keep improving.

Thanks to the Real Meal Revolution for this.

I love Banting and the real food lifestyle and as a Qualified Banting Coach I have benefited from it myself and I help others on their Wellness and Weight Loss journeys.

The Benefits of Banting

• Most importantly — It really works – weight loss and improved health markers

• Secondly — It is simple to follow
• No counting calories
• No weighing of food
• You don’t get hungry
• Getting more nutrition in
• People feel better on it
• No bloating or gas
• Less sugar cravings
• Stabilise blood sugar levels
• Cheese and bacon are allowed (say no more!)
• Better, sustained energy
• Better mood
• You feel satiated when you eat
• So much great support, ideas, recipes and advice available

Read more on Banting –

What I Love About Banting
Banting and LCHF Q & A with Prof Tim Noakes
20 Top Tips for the LCHF and Banting Diet

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